ladamic's blog research on information networks and non-researchy random musings


My first motion chart

Filed under: data, statistics, visualization — ladamic @ 01:13

I’ve created my first motion chart using my dad’s data. My dad, Kresimir Adamic is into tennis and statistics. Matt Simmons, a student in my Fall ’08 SI 601 class, demoed Google’s motion chart gadget and I’ve been wanting to try it out ever since.

And if you haven’t seen Hans Rosling’s TED talk on using motion charts to show the relationship between health care, prosperity and birth rates, you’re missing out.


Student projects in networks class

Filed under: CourseWare — ladamic @ 12:48

I ask each of my networks classes whether it is OK to post their final projects online. This year about 3/4 of them held back because they wanted to publish their work in a peer-reviewed (as opposed to Lada-reviewed 🙂 ) venue. While this is great news, it means that now, only a few weeks after the end of the course, the project page is a little bare. But perhaps I’ll blog about these remaining projects as they are published.
Still, right now you can check out language acquisition networks, book recommendation networks based on writing style, an online community for houses around campus, coauthorship networks of incentive centered design faculty, global city networks via international firms, and uncensored discussion of China.
Also, you can check out projects from previous years:
fall 2007 projects
winter 2007 projects
winter 2006 projects


Updated interactive demo tools

Filed under: CourseWare — ladamic @ 23:21

As preparation for adding my networks course, SI 508, to UofM’s OpenCourseware, I’ve recompiled a list of interactive demos I use in this course. The demos let you grow some networks in different ways, then diffuse an infectious agent on them, or allow opinions to form, or test their resilience to random breakdown or targeted attack.
The demos are built on top of NetLogo and Guess and are Java based. My student, Eytan Bakshy has co-authored a number of these. I hope that they’ll be used and modified by whoever would like to use or modify them. I’ll try and blog about individual demos, but until that day comes, I’m just listing all of them.

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