ladamic's blog research on information networks and non-researchy random musings


NetSIers to participate in summer internships

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: — ladamic @ 18:29

After having fun last summer (Jiang Yang worked @ MSR with Scott Counts, and Eytan Bakshy worked @ Yahoo with Duncan Watts), they are going to take off again soon. Jiang is this summer going to be @ IBM Watson working with Ching-Yung Lin, and Eytan will be @ Facebook.
Two members leaving NetSI this year have also found gainful employment. Xiao is graduating from the masters program and will start a job at Microsoft. Dave will be a researcher at Google starting in the fall at the conclusion of his postdoc.


WOSN reviewing was strangely e…

Filed under: Uncategorized — ladamic @ 01:19

WOSN reviewing was strangely enjoyable. Each paper had something interesting to it. On to other work.

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