ladamic's blog research on information networks and non-researchy random musings


SI 508 (networks) is now part of OER

Filed under: CourseWare — ladamic @ 15:17

Thanks to the OER folks and quite a bit of work (more than I expected in any case) on my end, the masters-level version of my networks course, SI 508 is now part of Michigan’s Open Educational Resources.
In theory all the content has been cleared for copyright and now has a creative commons license, meaning that anyone can use and adapt it for their own purpose. It has slides, labs, datasets, demos, student projects, everything.
I talked about it briefly earlier this week at the SocialNets in Education Project workshop @ Duke. I also found out that there was interest in my DRAT course materials (SI601), but it will be another while yet before I undertake another OER conversion :p.

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