ladamic's blog research on information networks and non-researchy random musings



Filed under: conferences/workshops,random musings — ladamic @ 16:32

This year I had the great honor of giving one of the keynote talks at the ICWSM conference, a conference I had been attending and enjoying for years. I ended up delivering the keynote on 4 hours of sleep, despite 10 months lead time to prep the talk. I don’t know how to explain it, except:

Lada channeling James Franco in photo op.Lada channeling James Franco in photo op.

Which is how a squinty photo of me (along with perfectly well-rested looking John Breslin, Igor Perisic, and Jimi Shanahan) ended up in the Irish Times.

Lada channeling James Franco in photo op.

I’d like to think I was just channeling James Franco, who always looks a bit squinty, because he is too awesomely busy to get any sleep.

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