ladamic's blog research on information networks and non-researchy random musings


tenured life

Filed under: Uncategorized — ladamic @ 14:29

On the occasion of becoming tenured faculty, I thought I’d write a blog post. That was many months ago. You can tell tenured life is no different from untenured life. Sure I made resolutions about things I would do differently, that would somehow magically be enabled by  the mere fact of having tenure. Among them

  1. Spend more time engaged in intellectually stimulating discussion with students
  2. Spend more time with faculty who approach me about applying network analysis to their research
  3. Go to more talks
  4. Pursue wacky research ideas
  5. Approach teaching with renewed gusto

About a month and a half into it, I can report that I’m actually doing less of 2 and 3, breaking even on 1 and 4, and barely holding my head above water with 5.

I should have known, actually, because 1-5 all assumed that somehow I would have more time. And that is one of the things that tenure doesn’t buy you. There is a story related to this. There was a reception for all newly promoted faculty this past May. A senior colleague told me how nice these events were and so I was looking forward to it.  I think it started at 6:30. As I approached the art museum (where it was being held) at 6:45, the provost was running down the front steps, like Cinderella at the stroke of midnight. When I entered, my dean was happy to see me, because she too had to leave and wanted to congratulate me before she did. I spent the next 10 minutes talking to another faculty member about a potential grant proposal. When  I turned around I realized that although there were plenty of appetizers left, the faculty, well, they had all hurried off. It was maybe 7:10pm.

1 Comment

  1. (1)–(4) tend to become much easier to do when on sabbatical…

    Comment by Mason — 2010/10/13 @ 19:53

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