Michaeleen Doucleff just wrote a very fun article on our recipe network paper for NPR’s the Salt. It made me realize that Edwin Teng, Yuru Lin and I have some leftover plots that may be Thanksgiving appropriate. If you don’t
Recipe recommendation using ingredient networks
Ingredient networks can be used to predict recipe ratings! “These networks encode which ingredients go well together, and which can be substituted to obtain superior results, and permit one to predict, given a pair of related recipes, which one will be more highly rated by users.”
preventing hospital to hospital infection spread
For the past few months I’ve been collaborating with Jack Iwashyna, Assistant Professor at UofM’s medical school and SI MSI student Umanka Hebbar Karkada. Jack had a fun idea, and a fun data set – hospital to hospital patient transfers,
My first motion chart
I’ve created my first motion chart using my dad’s data. My dad, Kresimir Adamic is into tennis and statistics. Matt Simmons, a student in my Fall ’08 SI 601 class, demoed Google’s motion chart gadget and I’ve been wanting to