Michaeleen Doucleff just wrote a very fun article on our recipe network paper for NPR’s the Salt. It made me realize that Edwin Teng, Yuru Lin and I have some leftover plots that may be Thanksgiving appropriate. If you don’t
Recipe recommendation using ingredient networks
Ingredient networks can be used to predict recipe ratings! “These networks encode which ingredients go well together, and which can be substituted to obtain superior results, and permit one to predict, given a pair of related recipes, which one will be more highly rated by users.”
Rating Friends Without Making Enemies
As I was sorting my contacts into neat little Google+ circles (talking to self: ‘this one, ah… he’s someone I could talk to about personal things, but I never do, oh, what the heck, let’s call him a “friend”‘), I
Individual focus and knowledge contribution
This week, First Monday published a paper that I have been working on for over two years. Whether that shows a lot of focus, or lack thereof, I’m not sure. The basic question was the following: what kinds of knowledge
The Impact of Boundary Spanning Scholarly Publications and Patents
The Impact of Boundary Spanning Scholarly Publications and Patents Authors: Xiaolin Shi, me, Belle Tseng, Gavin Clarkson Background Human knowledge and innovation are recorded in two media: scholarly publication and patents. These records not only document a new scientific insight
Second Life study in the press and to be presented at EC
Eytan will be presenting our work on Social Influence and the Diffusion of User-Created Content in Second Life this Friday. In the meantime, the study has been getting a bit of geeky press :).
my first paper on financial networks
This project was really fun. I got to collaborate with Andrei Kirilenko, Celso Brunetti, Jeff Harris (+ Paul Tsyhura,) at the CFTC (Commodity Futures Trading Commission) on the properties of time series of network metrics on automatically matched brokers trading
Matt Simmons to join NetSI
I’m happy to say that Matt Simmons has decided to enroll at SI as a PhD student (previously he was a masters student here). Over the years, he has worked with Drago Radev on co-author and citation networks, and with