For the past few months I’ve been collaborating with Jack Iwashyna, Assistant Professor at UofM’s medical school and SI MSI student Umanka Hebbar Karkada. Jack had a fun idea, and a fun data set – hospital to hospital patient transfers,
Xiaolin’s defense on June 3rd
Xiaolin Shi will be defending her thesis on June 3rd, 2:00 – 4:00 PM, in CSE 3725 (the computer science building). She’s the first student of mine to have reached this stage, and so I’m experiencing a bit of anxiety,
gephi for plotting spiffy-looking network visualizations
At ICWSM I saw a nifty demo of gephi. Lots of clickable UI-type things. Some cool features I saw: * easily subsetting nodes according to attributes * getting node labels to jiggle around until they no longer overlap * drawing
Social Influence and the Diffusion of User Created Content
Eytan, Brian and I have a paper at EC (to be presented by Eytan @ Stanford in July). It’s on the diffusion of gestures in Second Life (the online massively-multiplayer virtual world). The neat thing about SL users passing assets