news on an interesting ICWSM paper: The Million Follower Fallacy: Audience Size Doesn’t Prove Influence on Twitter
Network visualization edge bun…
Network visualization edge bundling demo. Maybe I enjoy it more because it’s in French.
@redlog haha. perhaps some gia…
@redlog haha. perhaps some giant sunglasses would contribute positively to my fashion image… and yours :)?
Individual focus and knowledge contribution
This week, First Monday published a paper that I have been working on for over two years. Whether that shows a lot of focus, or lack thereof, I’m not sure. The basic question was the following: what kinds of knowledge
@yardi Once you went public, I…
@yardi Once you went public, I had to go public too. Saw your declaration of publicness on @eegilbert ‘s feed, which he showed during a talk
TR quotes TJ on his EECS class…
TR quotes TJ on his EECS class @ UofM on designing apps for cars:
Our First Monday paper on indi…
Our First Monday paper on individual focus & knowledge contribution More focus <-> a bit higher Wikipedia etc. quality
learning about computational j…
learning about computational journalism from @Hoenikker (for Turkers: positive sentiment)