As I was sorting my contacts into neat little Google+ circles (talking to self: ‘this one, ah… he’s someone I could talk to about personal things, but I never do, oh, what the heck, let’s call him a “friend”‘), I
David Attenborough, take it back
Photo © Ben Osborne. After having watched many hours of nature shows, seemingly most of them narrated by Sir David Attenborough, I find myself haunted not by their incredible natural beauty, but by scenes whose tragedy was accentuated by Attenborough’s
Taking risks: a speculation on gender & science
This is just a hypothesis: gender differences in risk taking contribute to differences in participation in science and engineering disciplines. I have no data, just a wish to speculate from personal experience. Individual tasks in math, science and engineering are
Why so little is sung about
Why is music so preoccupied with romance? Is romance the one thing all of us, including musicians, have experience with?